How You Wait, While You Wait

“I’m an impatient person!” If I were asked to testify regarding my level of patience as being either patient or impatient (with no middle ground), I’d have to go with the later.

Truth is, I don’t like to wait for much of anything. I don’t like to wait to be seated at a restaurant or having to wait in line for a movie ticket. I don’t like waiting in line at the grocery store. I can’t stand waiting in traffic because someone else had a severe brain lapse while driving. Microwave’s don’t heat up the food fast enough, the A/C takes to long to cool my car, it takes way to long to drop that last few pounds, and waiting at the doctor’s office almost makes me sicker than when I went in… And then, there’s having to wait on other’s to get into the car so we can be to church on time…

It’s as though my patience motto could be: “I don’t mind waiting, just as long as it doesn’t take to long.” Can you relate?

Well, truth is, that type of motto or mindset holds incorrect Bible theology and most certainly isn’t honoring to God. What’s more, it doesn’t bless or encourage those around me nor bear any resemblance of having patient endurance.

Oh, what testing of our faith comes when we must wait for answers to our prayers, which we’ve over up time and time again. There are times of having to wait for God’s leading, guidance and wisdom to a specific matter. We might be in a long season of waiting on being healed physically or for that of someone dear to us. There might be years of praying for another’s salvation and yet to date, they’ve yet to receive Christ as their Savior. Patient endurance – two words with virtually inexhaustible meaning to those who are waiting… waiting upon the LORD… waiting without failing, waiting faithfully with patient endurance.

And so, in turning to God’s Word to help temper our tempers of impatience we discover the following instructions:

“Wait for the LORD, be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!” Psalm 27:14ESV

“Therefore the LORD waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the LORD is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him.” Isaiah 30:18 ESV

“Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him…” Psalm 37:7 ESV

 “… And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled.” Romans 15:4NLT

The discipline of waiting with patient endurance is far more than most are willing to practice day in and day out. Like the people of Israel, it’s far easier to complain to the LORD than it is to wait on Him. It’s often we lament our frustrations of having to wait, than to sing praises to God for Him perfect timing and discipline in our lives for His exaltation and for Him to show His great mercy to us.

O Father, give us a spirit of patience, an eagerness for patient endurance as we wait faithfully and enthusiastically for you to fulfill all that is in your Word. Amen!