Surf-&-Serve Summer Camp 2017 is coming up on July 26th – July 30th. This is not your typical summer camp. Calvary Chapel Santee, Hosanna City Church and The Christian Center (Calvary Borrego) are coming together for a combination summer camp and mission trip in one. This camp will give students the opportunity to not only hear the Word, but to live out the faith in service as well!
What we’ll do:
This trip will be divided with half the time devoted to work projects, visiting orphanages, and community outreaches. The other half will be typical camp things like teaching sessions, group discussions, and of course fun camp activities, games and the beach (with surf lessons). We also have a special worship concert planned!
The Theme:
This year’s theme is “Broken Vessels.” We’ll be studying different characters in the Bible that God used in big ways despite their brokenness.
Where we’ll be:
We’ll be staying at the Calvary Chapel Bible College in Ensenada. It’s a beautiful 25 acre facility in a secluded canyon just before Ensenada. It has large dorm rooms, a dinning hall, sanctuary, and sports field all within a secured property. It’s a very safe area and many of leaders have years of experience bringing teams of youth and adults to this area. You can see the facility at:
What you need to know:
Sign Up: When you pick up this packet, put your name and number on the list to let us know you’re interested. Spots are limited so sign up soon! Note: your spot is not guaranteed until all your slips/money is turned in.
Slips: Fill out and return Permission Slips by Sunday July 9th. Fill out 2 pages and sign rules.
Payment: Cost is $140. Includes transportation, a t-shirt and all meals (except one “taco night,” bring $5-$10). Money due by Sunday July 9th. Scholarships are available, ask for applications.
Passport: Passports are not required to cross the border for anyone under 18, as long as you have an original copy of your birth certificate and a photo id (School id works). But we encourage you to get a passport if you can, get all the info at:
Schedule: Meet at church Wed. July 26th at 2:00pm we leave at 2:30pm. Returning Sun. July 30th around 9pm
Permission slips, Check List and Scholarship App:
Date: Wednesday July 26, 2017
Time: 02:00pm
Place: CCBC Mexico