Gary Lawton

Gary Lawton

Gary Lawton

Administrative Pastor

Pastor Gary answered the call to the Ministry by attending the School of Evangelism at Calvary Chapel of San Diego in 1979. It was there he met and married Martha (Meef) and they both began serving in the Youth ministry at Calvary Chapel of El Cajon under Pastor Ray Bentley. After four fruitful years serving the body in El Cajon, the Lord called Gary and Meef to the East Coast. Gary was then the founding and Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel of Vineland N J. in 1985. A thriving church that continues to impact the north-east area of the U.S. through weekly services, a variety of ministries and a radio station that broadcasts throughout the southern NJ area. Additionally, three other congregations were successfully planted from the church in Vineland, which exist today in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

In 1998 Gary and Meef returned to San Diego and joined the staff at Maranatha Chapel where he was an Assistant to Pastor Ray Bentley. In Addition to teaching the weekly Sunday Evening Services, Gary, along with the senior staff, was responsible for overseeing the pastoral, support staff and Maranatha Christian School. He provided Marriage and premarital counseling for the members of the church body and has often been a speaker on Marriage Weekends for other Calvary Chapel churches. Gary also served as Mission Pastor for the congregation, training and leading short-term teams to Romania , Ireland , Bolivia , Sudan , Uganda , Kenya , Philippines , China and Mexico. The outreach teams provided medical help, evangelism, music events, preaching tours and biblical training.

In September of 2010 Gary and Meef accepted the invitation to join the family at Calvary Chapel of Santee as their new Senior Pastor. Their vision is focused on clear bible teaching, to equip the believers to grow and serve, and impact the World with good news of Jesus Christ in the East County and beyond. Gary served as the Senior Pastor at Calvary Chapel Santee for 14 years.

Gary has been married to his wife Meef for more than 30 years. They have 4 adult children, 12 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.

“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.”
- Acts 2:42