Youth Winter Retreat


Youth Winter Retreat 2016!

We’ll be Joining a couple other churches at Pine Summit Camp in Big Bear February 26th-28th.

Sign Up:
Put your name on the list in the youth room to let us know you’re planning on coming.

Permission Slips:
Fill out and return CCSantee Permission Slips (2 pages) and Pine Summit Camp Waivers (2 pages), to the bookstore. All permission slips must be turned into the bookstore by Wednesday February 10th. Pick up slips at church or download them here.

Camp is $120. This includes transportation, lodging, t-shirt and all meals (accept lunch on the drive home, bring $10). All money must be turned into the bookstore by Wednesday February 10th (if you turn in apps late you will not get a t-shirt).

If you need a scholarships, fill out this Scholarship application and return it to the bookstore or pastor Chris before February 10th.

We will be meeting at the church parking on Friday February 26th at 1:30pm, and leaving at 2:00pm sharp. We will be leaving the camp on Sunday February 28th around 11am, getting lunch on the road (probably In-N-Out), then arriving back to church around 3pm.

Start Date: February 26, 2016

End Date: February 28, 2016

Time: 01:30pm

Place: Pine Summit Camp

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